And so it begins.... Autos removed from Novomatics


So yesterday was happily playing on Grosvenor Casino, Novomatic being my favourite slot provider. Ended the session in a bit of profit.

Now come to today, loaded up Book of Ra... NO AUTOs, Shit.... ok, tried another game, Captain Venture and same deal, NO AUTOs. So I went to a few other Casino accounts, Mr Green, Video Slots and it appears autos have been removed from all Novo Games. Well that's that fucked!

I'm assuming UKGC don't give a shit about how the game providers are implementing the changes, because... get this.... On the new versions of the Novomatic UI, the Autoplay has gone, but there is still a big 'ol MAX BET button next to the start button. Oh, it get's worse... on the older novo UI's, the autoplay button is now a GAMBLE button. So to help those struggling, they've removed autos which can easily help keep track of how many spins you are doing and how much you are spending, and now hey you can now gamble the shit out of every single win.

So, After *200* tortuous manual spins - I actually lost count due to too many distractions! I gave up not knowing how many spins I had completed or how much I had spent... Once the other providers follow suit my online gambling days will be over that's for sure.

Nice one UKGC, nice one...