Bet365 automated betting


Jr. Member

I was just wondering if anybody's selling a similar product on the market currently, or saw a few in the past, likee how much could it worth?

It does nothing really special, you give the match to it(currently it's through telegram but other's can be done easily) and it makes the bet.

Been using it for a while, without any account issue, so I'm safe to say its kinda safe haha.



Jr. Member
Well to be more detailed I've done a similar stuff for Bet365.
Obviously since bet365 doesn't offer any API whatsoever it's a harder task.

It might sound crazy eazy peazy but I was just wondering if others would be interested in using it as well, since mainly I just made it to automatically bet. Currently I even have an OCR application, because i'm getting tips through telegram, OCR them, then the automated application bets them, without human behavior needed.