Medical Weight Loss Program in Sugar Land.


We offer the most customized, medically-supervised care for obesity and associated medical conditions. We implement the most current research and guidelines in weight management, in addition to lifestyle improvements, to ensure that the weight loss you experience will last for a long time and you’ll be a healthier, happier person in general. Whether you’re looking to make your first try success, have tried several diets previously, or you’re experiencing weight gain following surgery – we have the solution to help you. At LIFETIME primary care physician near me Sugar Land, you’ll meet a group of experienced, highly-trained professionals who will go above and beyond their way to assist you reach your goals. We offer everything you need to ensure long-lasting and successful weight loss. This includes diet and nutrition plans as well as support for behavioral change training for physical activity and weight loss medicines recommended by a doctor.

Individual sessions with the Medical Team are stress-free and focused on our patients with a particular focus on your specific needs and preferences. LIfetime‘s individualized, medically-based programs to lose weight are provided in a welcoming and supportive setting to help you achieve and keep your weight reduction objectives! Programs for medical weight loss are a successful way to lose weight for those who are obese or overweight and are experiencing issues in their mobility or health. Contrary to commercial diet and exercises medical weight loss clinic near me is a an extensive approach to weight loss. It includes controlled calories and increased physical activity, as well as lifestyle counseling and medical treatment for medical conditions that are underlying.

Medical weight loss seeks out and tackles the factors that cause weight increase and obesity, in order to maintain an ideal weight in the long run. When you embark on a medical weight loss program , you will work with medical professionals that provide the most advanced quality of care using diets, menus, and exercises to help aid, and boost the safety and effectiveness of an individual’s weight loss strategies. When you are on your weight loss program and support, guidance and supervision by a weight loss physician or bariatric physician will ensure that you losing weight at a maximum rate and shedding excess weight, but you are doing it in a safe and healthy manner.


An integrated care approach to chronic disease management in Lifetime Primary Care Sugar Land, including screening, testing, monitoring and coordination of treatment, and patient education. Disease management is the concept of reducing health care costs and improving the quality of life for individuals with chronic conditions by preventing Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, Alzheimer’s, chronic kidney disease, arthritis, and stroke, are slowly progressive, long-lasting health conditions. They frequently result in extended periods of illness and are significant contributors to global disability and mortality rates.or minimizing the effects of the disease through integrated care.

Dr. Misbah Kalair, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist in Sugarland, TX, and has over 20 years of experience in the medical field. She is seeing regular patients from Sugar Land clinic under comprehensive program. Here the disease management programs are designed to improve the health of persons with chronic conditions and reduce associated costs from avoidable complications by identifying and treating chronic conditions more quickly and more effectively, thus slowing the progression of those diseases.

Management of chronic diseases requires a comprehensive and holistic approach to health. This means our focus is on helping you stay healthier and happier by understanding your overall health profile and improving specific conditions. Chronic diseases do not develop naturally without the influence of your environment, lifestyle, and genetics. At Chronic Disease Management, we develop comprehensive health solutions to help you manage your health and reduce symptoms. All these factors are considered when developing a total health solution to help control the health condition and reduce its symptoms.

What is Chronic Disease? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) categorizes chronic diseases as health conditions persisting for a year or longer, necessitating consistent medical care or causing limitations in daily life activities, or both. Chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, are the primary culprits behind mortality and disability in the United States.

Chronic diseases are distinguished by their enduring and sustained impact, affecting not just individuals but also straining the healthcare system. Typically, these are non-communicable diseases, implying they can’t be directly passed from one person to another. Factors contributing to these diseases often involve lifestyle choices such as diet and physical activity level, although genetic predispositions can also play a role. The CDC underscores the importance of preventing and managing these diseases, advocating for lifestyle changes and proper healthcare supervision.

Chronic disease management helps you take control of your condition by reviewing your complete medical history and medical condition. Your doctor will then determine the recommended treatment for your specific condition. Some drugs are contraindicated with other drugs (meaning they can compensate for each other or cause adverse reactions together). Therefore, doctors must have a broad understanding of your health to avoid problems.

Chronic disease management is much more than simple blood tests and treating symptoms, it is about trying to reduce symptoms while controlling symptoms and their progression. Understanding this relationship can help you and your doctor manages your disease effectively. Your doctor can also examine your lifestyle to understand other factors that may be contributing to your chronic disease. For example, if you have diabetes, an unhealthy diet can make things worse. If you have asthma, living in an environment with airborne triggers may increase your asthma attacks. Disease management requires not only understanding the disease but also understanding the environment and lifestyle and their impact on the condition. Managing all of these different factors can slow the progression of chronic disease.