N1Casino unfair terms?


Jr. Member

So I basically got up to 600 euros today, withdrew 400 and lost the other 200.

I cant lock withdrawals there so I did what I do every time.

I took a cooling period for one week so I dont cancel my WD and lose it.

I just logged in and saw they returned money to my account ans canceled my WD on their own.

Contacted support, they told me whenever you take a cooling period, all withdrawals are canceled.

I have to wait 7 days now for them to delete that cooling off period.

Is this a common thing? Any reps that can help about this?

I have played on 20 sites, not a single one did this.

If they cant lock withdrawals, then you go cooling off and you cant cancel your WD.

This here sounds like a way to make players lose their money back.

Feels unfair.