What is a reasonable amount of time for a casino to process a progressive withdrawal?


Jr. Member
Hi all, . I have a question regarding timelines for progressive withdrawals. What is a reasonable amount of time for a casino to process these types of large withdrawals , assuming your account is fully verified? I don't want to jump the gun and start complaining to them, as I know they have verification checks to complete and also have to verify the win with the provider, so I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.I put a withdrawal request in on Dec.30, and I am still in pending status. When I reach out to chat, I receive the generic response, "please be patient, we are doing our best to get this processed as quickly as possible for you."....but over 2 weeks? is this the norm for progressive payouts? I just wondered if licencing agreements contain any withdrawal completion standards that casinos are supposed to comply with. Thanks for any input...just wondering what others have experienced. Unfortunately this casino is no longer accredited, so I cant reach out to a rep. Just looking for advice. Stay safe.