Why do some people hate gambling of any type?


Jr. Member
My dad used to take me to casinos to eat at the buffets when I was a kid. He always used to say to me…

“Do you see all these lights? How do you think they afford to keep them on?”

The house always wins in the long run, that's the way the odds work. If it didn't, no one would build casinos.

Habitual gamblers are losers. They selectively remember their wins, and don't realize they have thrown much more away chasing that feeling.

If they kept a careful log of how much they gambled versus how much they won, they wouldn't keep gambling.

Some people get into gambling to an extent that damages their lives and the lives of their families.

I expect that's one of the more common reasons for hate.

With such an experience it is often difficult for people to see gabling as a letimate source of income.

But I have come to realise that life itself is gambling. Just leaving your house to your office is a gamble, you don't know for sure if you'll reach your office. but Thanks to certain circumstance and maybe faith, you leave anyway.

The irony is when people who hate casinos, then to forex trading, stock trading, and crytocurrency trading as an alternative way to make money. To add, there are many applications that generate signals online for trading to facilitate trading to all. But this is in no way different from what a lot people think they hate.

Ignorance is the cause of world disorder!
We've all heard the saying 'money is the root of all evil', and we also know that greed can be a very destructive force, a satanic force even. Gambling encompasses both money and greed, hence it should be hated, but does everyone hate it? No way!!!

We humans are of varying kinds. There are non-drinkers, non-smokers, non-gamblers, and even non-liars, but these angelic humans exist in very small numbers...most other humans are of the opposite kind. That's how life is with us. Demonic influences abound, demonic followers in hordes...and they always outnumber the good ones!

But of course, everything in life can be balanced off, if we take the time and effort to do it. Gambling is so much fun, so much thrilling, and so damn blardy exciting too, but is as destructive as an erupting volcano. If you don't run away from the eruption, you face its destructive consequences.

In short, I've been playing my Slot Games for donkey years. I've been through the eruptions, but have managed to escape in time a number of times. Nowadays, I take a smoking volcano as a sign of danger, but as long as it isn't smoking, I'd be contented to go on with my slotting...but more of an undying hobby than an addiction!