Bye LVbet, it was fun whilst it lasted.


Jr. Member
Got the dreaded SOW request. Explained that I fund my modest gambling by using a tiny bit of the substantial savings and investments I own, but they wanted screenshots of this and I refuse to send this as its none of the casinos business.

I accept that it may well be that to use a casino these days I have to provide them my intimate financial details, but I will never do it. I spend a few grand a year at Tescos but they dont require even my ID let alone ask me how I can afford such luxuries as their Finest range rather than Basics.

Anyway, another one bites the dust.


Jr. Member
And yet, whilst casinos claim to wish you well on your future endeavours, and claim to 'lock' one's account, if not done for being labelled an out-of-control degenerate gambler they will quite happily re-open said account on a whim!

So apart from the Responsible Gambling & Money-laundering aspect, it's nice to see casinos be so thorough, and of course 'caring'

Still not as caring as Casumo, mind. Nobody cares quite like CasumoCares©