Do you play casinos on PC or mobiles?


Jr. Member
I was talking to a rep today and was more than a little bit surprised when he told me the PC/Mobile split at their casinos.
Obviously, I'm an old git who still (nearly) always plays on a laptop - but it got me wondering what other members here use...?
So vote away! ;)


In my case, it is entirely on my desktop or laptop PC. I have never played slots on a mobile phone. And I never will.

I am (like yourself KK) definitely in the old school camp. I am quite proud to admit that I am still one of those Viper client-loving dinosaurs :laugh:
To the extent that if slots were to no longer be playable on a laptop or PC, I would almost certainly stop playing slots altogether.
I might compromise and play on a tablet. But on a mobile? No way.

Apart from anything else, I simply like the "bigger screen experience".
Screen sizes on mobiles and tablets are just too small for my liking.