Gambling laws in Spain


Jr. Member
Hi everyone,
I am kindly asking someone from Spain to share what taxes spanish government applies on winnings from gambling and after what amount winnings are taxable?
Is everyone obligated to declare their winnings and what is the maximum amount that can be undeclared?
Thank you!
Hi! In Spain you must pay for your benefits. For example, you deposit 100 eur in a bookie and you bet this to odd 3.0 your benefits is 200 eur (300 eur - 100 eur). If you don't work you can win max 5500 eur or 6000 eur of benefits (I don't remember now) without you don't pay taxes. If you work, even if you only earn 100 eur a month at your job you must pay taxes if you win more than 1000 eur of benefits in bets, if you win less than 1000 eur you mustn't pay nothing. All this I say is online. For shops if you win in a bet more than 1000 eur you must make a request because in Spain the new laws don't allow pay more than 1000 eur in cash and Hacienda will know that you win this money, for example, you bet 200 eur to odd 7.00 if you win are 1400 eur (200 x 7.00) you must make a request and pay a % of 1200eur of benefits. But if you bet 4 tickets of 50 eur to odd 7.00 will be 50x7 + 50x7 + 50x7 + 50x7 = 1400 eur but in this case you mustn't make a request and you if you don't want to declare it you don't it. The taxes for 0-12450 eur is 19% more than 12450-20200 eur is 24% more than 20200-35200 eur is 30% more than 35200-60000 eur is 37% more than 60000-130000 eur is 45% more than 130000-300000 eur is 47% and more than 300000 eur is 49%.