I don't get it


Jr. Member

So I've been reading into arbing for a while now, and slowly making some accounts on different bookies. But I do see a lot of different opinions about arbing. A lot about profitability and sustainability.

I want to work my way up, slowly gaining more betting power. I want to do it on the side, no intentions on doing it as a main job. So that's my point of view, or at least of my situation.

There is a thing about finding popular and unpopular arbs. Popular are the ones that are given for free, and the ones on cheap arb finding software. Wheres the unpopular arbs, the ones that are on the really expensive software platforms and with really extremely complicated arb strategies. Is it really impossible to start with 300 dollars spread on 20-40 bookies, and a 30 dollar arb finder to gain wealth on the accounts? And after growing the accounts to switch to a more expensive arb finder, and after that to develop your own? Because there are a lot of people saying the golden time of arbing is over, and there is no more money to be made. But there are still arb possibilities available, so I guess the only real struggle is to keep the accounts alive?

Also there is a lot of discussion about the way to hide yourself for the bookies. (I can't really think of anything more than betting 0.5 dollar bets on regular matches without arbs, just to get some randomness on your account, and then putting 50-100 dollars (as a starting point) on real arbs. Rounding the arbs up or down to 5 dollars/euros.) What can you do more than I can think of? I can't really think of a other strategy that increases the randomness of a account.

Also there is a lot of discussion about pre match and live arbing. Is it really that easy for a bookie to tell that you are arbing pre match? And "much" more difficult for them on a live arb?

I hope to hear from you. It would really help me a lot, because I am trying to figure my own strategy out, but I keep struggling with these questions.

Thanks in advance.

I believe you are on your semi-pro way, seeking for slow profit and steady gaining experience, and eventually aiming to switch full pro mode some day.
Good thing in your story is that you have no deadline.
Not too good things-you know the arbing environment is worsened last years. Bookies tend to tolerate recreational players. There are big guys with financial/statistical background and HFT infrastructure, big amounts and fast bots. Big persons with specific inner info. Etc. Simply observe the last years events.
I've seen in-play arbs let's say lasting from milliseconds to a half of a second (rarely more) in specific circumstances during the games. I'm talking for big and reliable bookies and exchanges only. Those well armed pros through bots and API access will beat you. Not to mention in-house bots in exchanges.
Well, you may also give a try combination prematch(lower margin) and in-play(higher margin) arbing. Prematch good arbing games by you and bookies limits are coming.
A hint only-you may pursue value betting and trading/hedging approaches if you are a math/statistics guy. But you have to observe and compare lots of patterns and data and to react quickly. If you have minimum a decade observations, you may spot when the big picture is not the same.