Introductory books


Hello there, what are your favorite or recommended gambling books? I'm looking for some books to read to get introduced into gambling, mainly sport gambling.


Jr. Member
Welcome to the forum.
Personally, I believe that no book will ever offer you the knowledge that real practice is offering. No book will ever describe the heart beating when you are about to place the 2nd leg of an arb. There are many feelings that will never be described in a book.
However, if you are looking for a good introduction in the smart betting world, you might want to start with Joseph Buchdahl and his books. I m detecting value there, but keep in mind that some times you will need a certain background to follow what he says.
Above all. I suggest that you dig this forum, ask your questions and practice. This is priceless.
We are about to post a number of articles in the following days that might be a good start for those who are wondering if smart betting is good or not.