Is Matched Betting dead?


Jr. Member
Matched Betting represents a betting strategy in which a bettor will use the different incentives offered by Bookies (in the form of bonuses, free bets, etc), match them up, and get out withdrawable cash. It is virtually risk-free, it depends strictly on math and how well a smart bettor will use calculations in his favor.

Bonuses are typically used by bookies in order to bring in new customers and to incentivize the old ones to stay by constantly offering something. The idea is that the bookie, virtually has nothing else of value to offer to players, and this “free bonus” strategy that they offer proves to be extremely feasible and increases the turnover massively.

Back in the day, Matched Betting was way more fruitful, due to various factors. Firstly, there weren’t many people who were exercising this matched betting strategy, secondly, technology was not that evolved in order for bookies to efficiently track the betting activities of bettors. Nowadays, betting exchanges have advanced systems that are able to spot patterns and stop smart bettors from taking advantage of their offerings. There are cases where said successful bettor account will be limited to not receive bonuses based on the aforementioned pattern recognition, but this is not really a very big setback, as there are ways to shift around this.

Matched Betting scene lately

We have witnessed rough times, especially in 2020 due to Covid restrictions that have automatically caused sports events to be either canceled or postponed, this influenced match betting and the betting scene altogether in a negative way.

Albeit, the world is recovering at a fast pace from the crippling Covid pandemic, and sports events are on their way and bookies are offering all kinds of bonuses to motivate players to restart their betting activities and whatnot.


A well-versed smart bettor with a solo account can conjure winnings of up to approximately 1000 euros per month. This requires, of course, knowledge, patience, time, and money.

The amount of winnings depends of course on which country you are betting from. In the UK there are many possibilities and bookies offer massive bonuses, compared to countries in which the economy functions a bit differently in terms of net-worth per capita, as for example the eastern European countries. The bonus offerings are essentially calculated differently in order to find equilibrium and business efficiency on the bookies' side from country to country. All in all the differences are not really THAT BIG, and a nice profit can be made regardless of the country that you live in.

Matched betting may represent an entry to the smart betting and arbing world as it is very easy to put into practice, but in the end, there are some endogenous factors that are true for every individual and they will determine how successful one will be in utilizing this strategy: time, money and goals.

There are people who will be happy to invest 2-3 hours per day for small wins, and others who do not wish to invest the time since the winnings are not that great, it really depends on each and every person.

Typically matched betting is a nice side hustle to have for lower to mid-income individuals, and this determines everything that follows.


We can say that Matched Betting was on its deathbed (along with everything else) in 2020, exclusively due to the pandemic. But now since things are coming back to normal, we are witnessing a rise in bonus offerings.

One may think that Matched Betting is not as fruitful as before, and that is true but to a point. Bookies are using efficient technologies to track down smart bettors and there is a high amount of media exposure for this technique, but this does not stop Matched Betting from being a nice money earning without lose money strategy mainly due to the fact that bookies simply do not have anything as good and efficient to offer in order to keep bringing in new people and maintain their clients.