Should casinos be able to ban winners?


Jr. Member
So it's well known (here in Australia at least) that the big sports betting agencies will ban anyone with a history of not losing.
Now I've also been barred from a few casinos for daring to not lose quickly enough (aka; winning).
But it raises an interesting question of should it be allowed?
Aren't companies only choosing to accept problem gamblers by weeding out anyone able to not lose control and occasionally have a win?

I'm not usually for 'nanny-state' control over businesses, I've come to accept that they will do whatever is necessary in order to maximize profit- however it does kind of stick in my craw that they set up the rules for their own crooked game, whereby they are guaranteed to win 99% of the time but then take their ball and go home if you happen to get lucky a few times or indeed, outplay them at their own game.
