Staking like in poker

There is staking in poker, when someone gives you bankroll, and you start making money and giving half of profit to them. Is there a way to do that with bookies? My bankroll is currently 0, and if someone wants can invest in me, teach me a little (I know that you should bet less than 1% of bankroll on valuebetting, that you need documents to verify bookies, read a lot about it, but still need more knowledge), and give me money to arb and to buy subscription to rebellbetting. I am willing to give out my facebook, so we can hear, or skype video call and show documents there, so you know where to find me if something happpens. I need starting bankroll, and when we make money we split. I am not limited at any bookie. I am from Serbia, have verified neteller. I just dont have bankroll to start. when we make 1000-2000 euros, we split, I just need 200-300 dollars bankroll starting. When I get limited, I have a lot of friends that will let me bet in their name, so you can arb hard with me to make profit, and I dont care if bookie limit me.


Jr. Member
Yeah, sure :) I bet there will be plenty of people willing to send few thousand or even hundred euro to unknown guy living in Serbia who got no experience about betting. Facebook? Not a problem to make an account which looks legit. Where to find you? Yeah, I'm sure that people can't wait to wander around small town in Serbia looking for a guy they met online :)