When do Void Bets occur relative to the sporting event

Hello all,
I have been reading about voided bets, especially with SingBet & SBO.
This is a scary prospect when arbing.

My question is. Do voids occur before the football match (or sporting event bet on).~ or after?
If the void occurs before, are you notified or are you proactively checking before the match for if a void has occurred?



Staff member
My experiences are somewhat opposite to those of apoel81.

For pre-match:
Voided bets were always notified per e-mail.
Always before game start, unless it was based on in-game events, such as when one opponent withdraws during tennis match.
Always an explanation. Most commonly that it was a clear price error (palp).

Our experiences may be different due to the which books we have used, among other things.